
  1. Exercise our rights: we may use your personal data to exercise our legal rights where it is necessary to do so; for example, to detect, prevent and respond to fraud claims, intellectual property infringement claims or violations of law or our Terms of Service.
  2. Comply with our obligations: we may process your personal data to, for example, carry out fraud prevention checks or comply with other legal or regulatory requirements, where this is explicitly required by law, such as responding to your request for data access or deletion.
  3. Customize your experience, including ads: when you use the Sites, we may use information about your use of the Sites (queries you submitted, content you viewed) to customize your experience, such as by providing personalized elements and showing you content based on your recent interests. We may use automated decision-making for these activities. Upon your affirmative consent or request, we may use your browser information to send you notifications about content on our site via your browser. As required by applicable data protection and privacy laws, we will obtain your consent for these activities and enable you to opt out of these activities.

Your personal data is also processed in the United States by some of the third parties with whom we share your data as detailed in INFORMATION WE COLLECT, HOW WE COLLECT IT, HOW WE USE IT, AND WHY WE SHARE IT. We have entered into data processing agreements with service providers who process your data that restrict and regulate their processing of your data on our behalf.

II. Use of Cookies

AMG and its vendors and partners use cookies. Cookies are small text files stored by your browser, to collect, store, and share personal data about your activities across multiple websites. Cookies can remain on your computer or mobile device for different periods of time. Some cookies are 'session cookies', meaning that they exist only while your browser is open. These are deleted automatically once you close your browser. Other cookies are persistent cookies', meaning that they survive after your browser is closed. They can be used by websites and advertising services to recognize you when you open your browser and browse the Internet again. Cookies can be “first party”, meaning they are served directly by us to your browser or mobile device, or “third party”, meaning they are served b