
n count unique users and repeat users for each of our Sites. We can determine which of our Sites receive more repeat visits and which type of content causes users to come back to the Sites.
Data collected via third party cookies We implement on our Sites certain code provided by partners such as a pixel or beacon that enable them to place or recognize a cookie on your browser or other tracking device (for example, tied to your mobile device ID). Such tracking technology enables them to collect the IP address that you use when you visit our Sites and information about your activities while visiting our Sites. N/A Advertisers and digital advertising technology intermediaries who place interest based advertisements on our Sites, advertising networks where we promote our Sites, and service providers who help us optimize our advertising campaigns (such as retargeting companies). For information about opting out of tracking via cookies by these partners, see REGIONAL SPECIFIC DISCLOSURES and YOUR PRIVACY CHOICES.

Ad partners use tracking technology to place ads on our Sites and other websites and applications targeted to you based on your past actions on our Site or on other websites (interest based advertising).

Ad networks where we promote our Sites collect information about you to provide promotion campaign optimization services to us.

Ad partners and ad networks also use cookies to develop their own ad targeting algorithms and help other advertisers optimize their campaigns.

They may also combine information about your activities on our Sites with information about you from other sources not affiliated with us. These partners may also use cookie data to determine payments owed to them, analyze fraudulent traffic patterns, detect and fix errors in their service, and to conduct internal research to improve their service and increase their revenues.

Additional Information when you install one of our applications

If you install a browser extension, an installation ID will be created and tied to your Browser ID.

If you install one of our mobile applications, we will receive the unique identifier (gIDh) that is tied to your app store account ID (such as Google Play or Amazon Appstore).

This enables us to understand how many users are visiting our Sites via browser extensions or mobile applications.

It also enables us to understand where you were coming from before installing our apps in order to compensate our marketing partners for referrals to our application install pages.

Your activities on our Sites

All of your actions on each of our Sites (your visits, search queries, search results you click on, URL of the webpage