
Ask Media Group, LLC Terms of Service

Last Updated On: August 29, 2023

Ask Media Group, LLC (gAMGh), directly or indirectly operates many websites (the gSitesh) offering search services and everyday useful content, such as Ask.com, Reference.com, Life123.com, Consumersearch.com, and Shop411.com, as well as downloadable search applications including browser extensions/add-ons which can be installed on your computer (the gProducts and Servicesh). Clickhere for more info about AMG sites. Use of our Sites, Products, and Services are subject to these Terms of Service (gTerms of Serviceh). By using, downloading, installing and/or accessing the Sites, Products, and Services, you are deemed to accept and be bound by these Terms of Service, INCLUDING A MANDATORY CLASS ACTION WAIVER AND ARBITRATION AGREEMENT CONTAINED IN SECTION 14 BELOW. If you do not accept these Terms of Service, please discontinue using the Sites, Products and Services. The Terms of Service applies regardless of the type of device used to access the Sites, Products and/or Services (e.g., personal computer, a mobile device or any other technology or software known today or developed in the future).


The Sites, Products and Services are offered from the United States of America and, regardless of your place of residence or access location, your use of them is governed by the laws of the State of California, USA. AMG makes no representations that the Products and Sites are appropriate for use in other locations or are legal in all jurisdictions. Those who access or use the Products and Sites from other locations do so at their own risk and consent to the transfer and processing of their data in the United States of America and any other jurisdiction throughout the world. As a U.S. company, these Terms of Service are provided in English. Translations to certain other languages may be available and can be requested by contacting ushere.

These Terms of Service may change from time to time, without any notice other than posting on the relevant page. Your continued use of a Site, Product or Service following our posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of any such c
