

The chart below describes what personal data we collect about our users, how we collect or access it, how we use it, which third parties have access to it, and the purpose for disclosure. In addition, we may collect, use and disclose your personal data as required or permitted by applicable law, as directed by you, or in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Categories of Personal Data How we collect it How we use it Who has access Purpose for disclosure
Your IP address We automatically collect the IP address you use each time you visit our Sites. We get this information from your browser when it interacts with our servers. We log these IP addresses in our user visit logs. This is to determine what country or state or province you are in to show you relevant search results, content, and ads. This is also to analyze fraudulent traffic patterns. We also analyze which regions of the world our users come from so we can develop search and content offerings for these regions. Our vendors receive your IP address and Browser ID to provide to us a variety of services to help our Sites function, such as site hosting, data warehousing, content delivery, Site functionalities (video, push notifications), Site content, security, privacy tools, and analytics (such as Google Analytics - for more information visit: How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services ? Privacy & Terms and to opt out of Google Analytics cookies, visit: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page). Our marketing agencies may also have access to your IP address while promoting our Sites on our behalf. Your IP address may also incidentally be accessed by vendors for IT support, data backup and recovery services, and office software. We also provide this data to our parent company IAC. Our vendors process this data to:
  1. Provide their services to us and to determine what amounts are owed to them based on traffic and app install volumes or other metrics
  2. Log page impressions and user actions for their business analytics
  3. Detect and address fraudulent behavior or illegal activity
  4. Monitor the proper functioning of their services, quality assurance, find errors and fix them
  5. Internal research
  6. Improve their products and services
Such vendors may